
I am a dry waller

I did this painting in Acrylic.
This was a model in class. About 1hr 35min


Artist_Grass- said...

Hey Travi,

This piece freaken rocks. I love the colors and the subtle transisitions in the turned edges on the forheard. I think you should definately not give up painting.

remember to consentrate on your drawing skills while your painting to get a little better accuracy though. Get them to work with eachother a little better. That's what I'm really trying to work on.

I linked you to my site... I've posted today.

Paul Grass

jess smart smiley said...

Yeah! This is a great painting. I like your stuff in the student show, by the way. Some of the best of what made it, by far.

Dillon Thompson said...

Dude, I totaly know this guy. He did a bid on my drywall and I have never been the same. Ok, so I made the last part up. But for reals, you captured the likness. Way good drawing with this one.